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Northwest Kidder Middle School

Welcome to Northwest Middle School for students grades 6 through 8!

The Direction of Greatness

Northwest Middle School has three grades consisting of the 6th, 7th and 8th serving  800 students. There are twelve Exploratory Teachers who teach twelve exploratory classes, offering Healthy Living, Advanced Manufacturing, Communication Arts, Art, Band, Vocal Music, Spanish, Family and Consumer Science, Physical Education/Fitness, Speech, Choir, Weight Lifting, Yearbook and Minecraft.  In addition to the core areas and exploratories, Northwest Kidder Middle School supports special education services including a MOCI room, a MICI room, resource rooms and Intermediate School District Services.  We have forty-five teachers, two learning specialists, two counselors, four secretaries, one nurse and two principals that staff our building.

Who We Are

Northwest Community Schools

VISION: "The Direction of Greatness"

MISSION: "To provide a positive culture that inspires students to achieve greatness"

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About NWMS

R.W. Kidder Middle School was transformed from Northwest Junior High School as a result of a restructuring effort in the 1998-1999 school year. We have three grades consisting of the 6th, 7th and 8th serving 800 students. 

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By The Numbers


Grade levels. NWMS serves students grades 6, 7, & 8.


Exploratory programs


Facility Dogs in the building


Core Values

Kindness- Relationships- Intentionality- Positivity- growth


Committed to providing a positive culture that inspires students to achieve greatness!

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